
Inside the car wash

Weird Science Wednesday!

Cornstarch and Water Experiment

  First we put cornstarch in a bowl.
There are three states of matter.  Liquid, solid and gas.
What do you think this is? 
 "A solid.  It's definitely dry. When it's on my fingers it feels like rubber.  It's smooth."
Next we added water. 
What happened?

"Feels kind of warm.  Feels like gooeyness. "
Is it still a solid?
"Definitely wet and it's like a rock.  Reminds me of the Tar Pits.  I'm putting my hand in to see what happens.  It turns to rock.  It's trying to hang on to me!"

"It feels super good. It feels kinda weird like plastic.  
When you break it apart it actually turns into a rock."

When you squeeze the cornstarch and water mixture, the molecules line up so it feels like a solid.  
It looks and acts like a liquid when no one is pressing it because the molecules relax.  
This is another state of matter called Suspension.

Home for a Hedgehog

Jack woke up this morning and decided that Hedgie needed a home.  He got to work immediately, using his "wood" foam and tools.

Hollywood Summer Sounds: The Irish In L.A.

We went to the Hollywood Bowl with Grandma Max to check out Summer Sounds. 
A wonderful blend of Irish music, dance and art.  
No photos allowed during the performance!

Inspired by photos of  megalithic art found
on ancient Irish tombs, Jack is carving designs into clay.

This is story of how the ancient Irish people lived and died.

Then Jack cut and colored a Celtic mask.

Next stop, Miceli's for pizza!

Our server let Jack visit the forbidden staircase to check out the balcony!

Because learning happens wherever you are...

Might as well hit the beach!

Since most of the kids in Santa Clarita are in school...

We thought this would be a good time to go to Chuck E. Cheese!


The Ventura County Fair

Jack went to the Ventura County Fair with Grandma and Grandpa.  Unlimited ride wristband day!

The long climb up the stairs.


The Flyer.

And even the Beach Boys in concert!

The Ferris Wheel.  It's like our tradition.  We go there every time we go to the fair.  The last thing we do at the fair.

"The Fair was an awesome time.  My favorite thing was the Gigantic Slide and the Top - the very spinning thing.  And also the Flyer.  I really liked the Ferris Wheel.  I ate cotton candy, chocolate covered bacon - it was so delicious!  And also pizza. "

The end.

It's Back To School Time!

This is how Jack spent his first day back at school.