
Proof that Leprechauns exist!

When we woke on St. Patrick's Day, this is what we saw:

Note the tiny green footprints on the toilet!

All because of the Leprechaun trap Jack rigged up the before going to sleep. 
He even left some Lucky Charms as bait.  Instead of catching one of the wee folk, Jack was left chocolates wrapped in gold foil and this note:

Jack is very proud to be "stalked by the leprechauns".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, Jack! Did the Leprechaun do all that to your house? Wow! He must have been there all night!! But maybe it was you that did all that to TRAP one of the little fellows?? Either way, what fun you must have had!!

I Love You, Auntie Di xoxoxoxoxoxox